Turn towards a glorious aim.
Close your eyes and use true vision:
See the Living! Say the Name!
Grasp the hand of him beside you,
Seek his aid. He does the same,
Let the Spirit flow between you:
Close the circle! Say the Name!
Cast aside your independence,
Leave behind all thoughts of fame.
Merge into a greater oneness:
Join the body! Say the Name!
Let the shepherd in the centre
Guide you. Be both wild and tame;
Find the freedom in the shackles:
Welcome slavehood! Say the Name!
Breathe. Your life is born of breathing,
And the first breath from Him came.
All the world is breathing with you:
Breathe the Spirit! Say the Name!
Dance the dance that never ceases,
Play the glorious, Godly game.
Allah! Allah! Allah! Allah!
Allah! Allah! Say the Name!