Sunday, March 23, 2008

Ibn Mashish

Some things are difficult for us to ken
Yet there is also truth, and truth is blind,
And oak trees burst out of the hearts of men.

No matter what a person’s acumen
Each one is limited by their own mind:
Some things are difficult for us to ken.

And what reaction is appropriate when
We reach the summit of the peak to find
That oak trees burst out of the hearts of men?

From deep within the most secluded den
There came an outpouring of verse refined;
Some things are difficult for us to ken.

The poet spoke with neither tongue, nor pen;
His verse was of an elemental kind,
For oak trees burst out of the hearts of men.

Some graves are domed and decorated, then
There are the ones that you can barely find.
Some things are difficult for us to ken,
And oak trees burst out of the hearts of men.



Anonymous said...

As salamu'alaykum Respected Sidi,

The beautiful picture, under the beautiful poem - where is that from?

JazakumAllahu Khayran,


Khalid Williams said...

That's the grave of Moulay Abd al-Salam ibn Mashish, about whom the poem was written.

Anonymous said...

Salam 'alaykum,

Nice poem, masha Allah.

Just reading about the awliya ignites the flame of Iman, reminds us of al-Haqq.

The maqam looks so awe-some but tranquil too. Would love to visit one day, if Allah wills.